Experts in aluminium profiles
Specialists in supplying bespoke aluminium extrusions we are…
The West Midlands Leading Aluminium Extrusion Suppliers
We supply and deliver bespoke aluminium extrusions across the world for a variety of industries.
How we can help:
- We will supply and deliver your required extruded aluminium.
- We will support you during the design process if you need a hand prior to making an order.
- We are specialists in supplying bespoke aluminium extrusion profiles.
Enquire about our services
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Simply fill in your details to receive an accurate quote and speak to a member of our team.
Aluminium Extrusion Experts…
We take great pride in getting our customers from A to B with their extruded aluminium requirements. Whether you need a helping hand getting the extruded aluminium designed or you have it ready and simply just need the supply, our team works tirelessly to deliver.
It doesn’t stop there – we are specialists in providing bespoke aluminium profiles meaning you can leave all of your aluminiums aesthetics to us. Our range of services include fabrication, anodising and powder coating.
Based in the heart of the UK and only a short distance from the centre of Birmingham, you can benefit from FREE delivery if you are local to us.

Leading aluminium extrusion suppliers. Call us today on 01564 700 007

Download our guide of top tips for designing your aluminium profile.
Discover top tips to consider when designing your aluminium profile in our downloadable guide.
To download your FREE guide simply enter your email address below and check your inbox!
Bespoke extruded aluminium signed, sealed and delivered by us
- We will support you to design your extruded aluminium profile prior to ordering. Our CAD specialists will give a helping hand, from start to finish or inbetween to ensure your order is exactly how you need it.
- Our dedicated team will walk you through what we need in order to process your order. This includes your chosen alloy and how you would like your aluminium cut to size, length and thickness.
- Whether you opt for mill finish or one of our finishing services, we will deliver your supply of extruded aluminium with due care. We also offer free delivery in the Birmingham area for all orders.

Free delivery in the West Midlands
Local to us? We will deliver your supply free of charge.
Free tool/die if you order large quantities each year
Benefit from free tooling if you regularly order with us each year.
Leading aluminium extrusion suppliers and experts of aluminium profiles

Call us today and chat to a member of the team for an accurate quote.
Have an enquiry? Submit your enquiry below and a member of the team will be in touch to discuss.